Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay on The Audience and Writing - 1047 Words

The Audience and Writing Audience. Just one word yet it stirs frighteningly confusing images of perplexing thoughts in my mind. The word alone is strange, but when put in context of an essay it leaves me baffled and frustrated[d1] . The questions; â€Å"What is Audience?† â€Å"Why do I need it?† and, â€Å"What purpose does it serve?† are important to my finally some day understanding the concept of Audience, but at this point I can’t answer them fully[d2] . I can grasp the understanding of all the other aspects of writing an essay, although I may not incorporate them well in my paper at least I see why they are important. Audience, to me, is not so easy to understand. After reading The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing and the†¦show more content†¦The previous papers I have written have all been directed at a fairly large to vast Audience. This has been due in part to my unclear definition of what Audience was, and the importance of it. I still do not clearly see the value of a well cut clear Audience, to me one can write a very good essay with definition, character, clear thesis, high tension, and good flow with no clear Audience in mind, take the famous Stephen King and Dean Koonz[d8] . The first two assignments I wrote for W131 I did with that in mind, I didn’t think that Audience was that important and didn’t take it to seriously[d9] . I thought that Audience would become clear as I wrote my paper, and wasn’t concerned with keeping it in mind as I wrote. When writing Assignment one I kept the goals for the paper in mind as I wrote, but really just sat down at my computer and began to write as I thought about the topic I was wrestling with[d10] . The end result to my paper was a well written paper on an unclear subject that left the reader wondering why they bothered to read it in the first place. There was no direction to my paper, there was a vagueness I couldn’t shake from it[d11] . Disturbed by my end result I moved on to Assignment two with the results from Assignment one in mind. When writing Assignment two I still was not thinking in terms of Audience, and because of that I ended up with a paper similar to my first one. Aft er realizing my successShow MoreRelatedWhy Audience Is Important For Writing A Paper Essay1465 Words   |  6 Pages Many people struggle with writing a paper because they do not know how to make their paper appealing to the audience. If you don t know who the audience is it can lead to many disadvantages because you would have a lot of criticism.Also, your paper wouldnt be interesting to someone who doesn’t know much about the topic. The audience is the most important thing to worry about in writing. Sometimes you forget that you’re writing not only for your benefits but also the reader s benefits tooRead MoreWriting Process : Analyzing Your Audience1356 Words   |  6 PagesThe Writing Process The first thing to do in the writing process is to select a topic and do research on that topic. Once you’ve selected a topic and have done enough research to tentatively commit yourself, you can then go into the four phases of the writing process; I. Prewriting: Analyzing your audience, determining your purpose in writing, limiting the scope of what you will cover, and generating potential content. II. Drafting: Making a case and structuring your evidence for that case. IIIRead MoreWriting Style Fit For All Audiences1291 Words   |  6 Pages Molding A Writing Style Fit For All Audiences My goal is to learn how to make my writing flexible to satisfy different groups while keeping it on point. When looking at my current work and self reflecting I quickly recognized that my writing was sloppy and liberal. Why are my writings producing these kind of results? I formed a conclusion that my High School teachers were to blame. I was so stuck on robotically writing summaries for teachers, including English teachers, that I rarely hadRead MoreEssay On Different Styles Of Writing To Different Audience890 Words   |  4 PagesDifferent Styles of Writing and Appealing to Different Audiences The years a child spends in elementary are crucial because their teachers will essentially lay down the foundation for learning, as well as stimulate an interest in growing knowledge. The various subjects students are taught include math, science, English language arts, and history. However, within those subjects, there are skills that students need to learn and master so they can be efficient learners. 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After I have read all these three steps, I chose getting started in writing as the most important stage and I will show you the readers how I came about this statement through Anne Lamott’s article. Lamott provided knowledge, references and experiencesRead MoreCreative Writing1236 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Creative Writing versus Technical Writing† It is often difficult to distinguish the differences and similarities between Technical Writing and Creative Writing. Writing is writing and good writing is creative writing. If we accept, however, that Technical Writing exists in its own category, with Creative Writing in another, how can we categorize creative Technical writing? One way to explore the differences and similarities between Technical Writing and Creative Writing is to analyzeRead MoreAnalysis Of Inventing The University By David Bartholomae1140 Words   |  5 Pageswriters are lacking in writing effectively for an academic community. He compares and contrasts the differences between a mater writer and a basic writer. It shows how an expert writer keeps the audience in mind and a struggling writer does not. Bartholomae says that writers in college need to learn to â€Å"invent the university† which means they adapt their writing to writing and speak the ideas of an academic setting. Some students may fin d it hard to develop these new ways of writing and speaking in anRead MoreArgumentative Writing : Persuasive And Persuasive896 Words   |  4 Pagespersuasion writing is to conquer or win over your audience while the goal of argumentative writing is to â€Å"convince by demonstrating the truth† (Barnet; Bedau, pg.71). Argumentative writing is defined as â€Å"a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.† There are many different literary components that contribute to a strong argumentative writing. Good argumentative writing must includeRead MoreThere Are Numerous Differences Between Workplace Writing999 Words   |  4 PagesThere are numerous differences between workplace writing and college level essays. When writing a workplace memo, the main objective is to create an effective document designed to communicate and share relevant information to organizational members in a simplified and effective language that is detailed enough to inform and address the different needs and issues for the intended audience. When writing a college essay, the goal is to prove to the audience, usually the professor, a mastered understanding

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Seafood and Depression Essay - 1505 Words

Seafood and Depression There have been studies that conclude that there is some relationship between food intake and mental health. The stress you endure, and how you deal with it differs in many ways. There is evidence that the more seafood college students eat the lower level of depression they experience. Researchers have two different inventories for depression. The Beck Depression Inventory is a leading depression inventory, and the new inventory is the Wilsonsons Depression Scale (Wilsonson, Gofendorfer, amp; Brazleton, 2002). The results of both tests were identical. The Wilsonson Depression Scale proved to be more simple to administer and faster to complete and score (Wilsonson et al., 2002). This study, as well as others†¦show more content†¦The men became anglers and women learned to be chefs. The couples could not prepare or consume anything that was not seafood during the entire study. All the couples had identical homes, incomes, and cable service. All the couples had to redo the depression inventory in 1992, and in 2004. There is a text that verifies all of this information these studies have concluded. The Smith and Hold (2004) text is said to be the best source of information on food intake, and emotions. The text bases its explanations and treatments on the theory that the food we consume effects our emotions. Theories mention in the text that it is important to eat a well balanced diet to include seafood at least six times per week. This text, like the studies, said the more seafood consumed the lower levels of depression people would have and above average well-being. All of these studies have found that your diet affects your feelings and mental state. This research is to prove for a relative fact that the more seafood college students consume the less depressed and unhappy they will be. Method Participants One-hundred undergraduate students enrolled in classes at Northwestern State University, and all are Psychology majors in their first year of study participated in this study. The study had an equal number of men and women. The participants varied in race with the majority being European-American (N=50), Hispanic-Americans (N=28), and African-Americans (N=22). Participants rangedShow MoreRelatedOffering most mouthwatering and delicious range of Seafood like Dry Fish, Slat Fish and Salted Dry600 Words   |  3 PagesOffering most mouthwatering and delicious range of Seafood like Dry Fish, Slat Fish and Salted Dry Fish. An Overview Joys International Exports is located at Coimbatore, a land that is gifted with tasty seafood. Armed with a rich experience in fishing industry, our honorable mentor, Mr. A. Samuvel, started the business as one of the leading Seafood manufacturers and exporters. Today, we are exporting our high quality seafood products to various other countries across the globe. Our range of DryRead MoreBenefits Of Low Calorie Diet887 Words   |  4 Pagesdollars. The medical costs of people who are obese is $1,429 higher than those of normal weight (CDC, 2015). However, low calorie diet consists of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, lean meat, poultry, less sodium, and seafood. In addition to consuming low calorie diet, engaging in physical activities help to achieve weight loss and prevent diseases associated with been overweight and obesity. Furthermore, drinking at least three liters of water daily keeps the body hydratedRead MoreThe Food And Drug Aspect Of Aphr odisiac1388 Words   |  6 Pagesalso called Maca, has presented some aphrodisiac effect as a libido booster. Serving as food, this Peruvian plant has few side effects (Farrell 2011). Maca is believed to improve the sexual desire and sexual activities (Farrell 2011). As an anti-depression medication (SSRIs), some studies suggest that Maca can treat sexual impairments. Animal studies also indicate its potential of treating enlarged prostates (Farrell 2011). Common spices, such as vanilla, cinnamon, pepper, chilies, salary, garlicRead MoreDepression Can Mean Several Different Things. It Can Mean1398 Words   |  6 PagesDepression can mean several different things. It can mean normal depression, such as loss, conflict, trauma, or the disruption of normal life balance. It can be a symptom of a physical illness, or a side effect of medication. It can also be based on neurochemical abnormalities (Karren, Smith, Gordon, 2014, p. 181-182). Depression as an illness is not a normal reaction, but it can occur even without a clear reason (Karren, Smith, Gordon, 2014, p. 182). A person who is depressed feels that theRead MoreThe Entitlement Of Welfare Entitlements Essay1181 Words   |  5 Pagestheir family homes, and inherited treasures to join in search of a new start somewhere where there was work and food. It was reported that during the Great Depression an estimation of over twenty percent of the population was receiving some form of a id. The populations’ statistics were estimated at over fifteen million. When the Great Depression came into play the unfortunately millions of people who struggled to find work just to live were finding that work was scarce. Finding a job for a day orRead MoreThe Goals Of Developmental Psychology1406 Words   |  6 Pagescentral nervous system and come around the time of prenatal periods. Lastly environmental agents that can cause a negative effect on an individual s development is eating certain types of food while pregnant. Foods such as tuna and other types of seafood contain mercury. Mercury is said to cause mental retardation for the child if a mother were to consume such things. Lead is also a highly dangerous environmental hazard that can lead to both mental retardation, growth deficiencies, and miscarriageRead MoreB12 Deficiency What is Vitamin B12 Deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency limits selenium methylation600 Words   |  3 Pagesselenium levels can damage nerve cells thus leading to tingling or numbness in fingers and toes, difficulty in walking, depression, memory loss, disorientation, and dementia. Products for dealing with such symptoms can be found on Life Extension. Prevention and Treatment of Vitamin B12 Deficiency You can prevent vitamin B12 deficiency by consuming selenium rich food or meat, poultry, seafood, milk, cheese, and eggs. If you dont eat animal products, which are known to be rich in selenium, or you have aRead MoreThailand s Fishing Industry : A Global Standard For Human Rights2213 Words   |  9 Pageswork and join trade unions. Currently in Thailand, migrants from surrounding countries have been forced into fishing to produce the world s seafood. Consequently, The demand for seafood has overtake international labor rules,and United Nations treaties in Thailand s fishing industry, and sustained forced labor practices that produce the world s seafood. Labor in Asia has been exploited due to cheap labor and little government regulation. Contributing companies like Nestlà © have added to the longRead MoreHow Vitamins Are Essential For Normal Health And Growth1606 Words   |  7 Pagesintestinal tract disturbances, loss of hair, growth impairment, and depression. Furthermore, it can cause symptoms that include tongue inflammation, gingivitis, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, diarrhea, forgetfulness, and meta sluggishness (Ehrlich, 2015). In order to prevent these deficiencies and side effects, humans should intake supplements of this vitamin in foods like green leafy vegetables, pinto beans, meat, seafood, yeast, asparagus, cereal, mushrooms, whole grains enriched with folicRead MoreThe British Petroleum And Bp Oil Spill Essay2006 Words   |  9 Pagesbigger chain businesses that supply these local businesses. Not only this, but restaurant owners who depend on not only the summer, but also the seafood that is in the ocean; n o one is going to risk dying by eating fish with petroleum oil in it, and before they even risk it, the health department would have already banned these restaurants from selling seafood, causing a big dip for famous restaurants like LJ Schooners and Red Lobster. When businesses are not making enough money, it also means that people

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mintos Principle free essay sample

Barbara Mintos Pyramid Principle is a hierarchically structured thinking and communication technique that can be used to precede good structured writing. The Minto Pyramid Principle assumes that you already know how to write good sentences and paragraphs. It concentrates instead on the thinking process that should precede the writing. The core of Mintos thinking method is to group  Ideas  in a presenters thought process into small clusters that support the main  Thesis  in increasing detail (granularity). See the picture on the right. Supporting arguments can be based on: Inductive reasoning: thinking process in which the premises of an argument support the conclusion but do not ensure it. Each of the elements in row two of the pyramid answers a question (e. g. why, how, how do you know) about the thesis above it. Deductive reasoning: thinking process in which the conclusion is  necessitated  by previously known facts. One element logically leads to the next. We will write a custom essay sample on Mintos Principle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The best way to make any point or argument, says Barbara, is to structure the thinking in this way. The technique is most useful for those people in an organization who must write analytical documents, on the basis of which senior managers must make decisions. There are several components to the overall method: Cut down the time that is normally needed to produce a first draft. * Increase its clarity. * Decrease its length. The overall result of the method is that ideas jump off the page, into the reader’s mind with minimum effort on the reader’s part. It takes a lot of discipline to both learn and apply the methods consistently. * Some critics say the original book makes a less than compelling argument for taking the time to use the methods

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Merger Memo free essay sample

With all mergers there come changes and nervousness regarding what this means to me and my position. I want to remind you that mergers do not need to hold negative feelings, and I am asking that you ensure your team members their role in the company. This memo will discuss what is expected of your behavior and attitude and how this will effect the productivity of your team members. Followed up by the laws that we each must remember and be expected to follow. I do not need to remind each of you the disciplinary actions that may occur if you do not follow these laws. The memorandum will close on some best practices to help guarantee a diverse and happy work environment. Again, let me emphasize how exciting this merger is to our business and how much you can contribute to the new culture. Within the next seven days each of you will be required to meet with your team members and discuss the following 12 basic work conditions and how these create a positive work attitude. We will write a custom essay sample on Merger Memo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From the discussion I wamt each of you to implement suggestions into your management style. These 12 basics will produce positive productivity. Remember that how your employees see you as a manager is extremely important regarding retention. Retention is very important in keeping productivity at an acceptable level. Every time a company loses an employee, new individuals must be sought out and then trained; this delays production. Use the list provided as a guideline during this meeting. †¢ As an employee, what do you consider your duties? What do you believe is expected of you? †¢ Do you have all the necessary items to complete your daily tasks? Do you believe you have an environment conducive to do your very best? †¢ Do you believe you are being recognized regularly for a job well done? †¢ Do you believe that management cares about you as an individual? Do you feel encouraged to further develop your skill sets? †¢ Have you had your manager sit down semi-annually to discuss your performance and goals? †¢ Do you believe the company values your job and work? Do they make you feel your position is important to the overall success? †¢ Do you as an employee believe the environment harbors a commitment to do your best? Do you have a coworker who you consider to be a friend? Please remember that â€Å"Retention consists of the following 5 drivers: (1) reward your employees for performing their jobs effectively (2) ensuring harmony and relations with employees and their management (3) a safe and healthy work environment (4) ability for career development and (5) confidence in the future of the company† (Casio, 2006 p. 6). Ultimately, the way you approach your team and your leadership abilities will become a large part of the overall retention of our employees. It is very important that each of you remember what the employment laws are in line with your management position versus those that are not. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or your human resources representative. †¢ Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. â€Å"Employers cannot discriminate based on race, color, nationality, religion or gender. This starts at the initial recruitment stage and goes through the termination stage† (Oliver, 09/2008). †¢ ADA or American Disabilities Act. This law protects individuals with long term physical and mental limiting activities. Including individual in wheel chairs, sight and vision issues, certain mental illnesses and muscular disorders† Make sure you stay committed and continue to visit areas that address understanding, communication and awareness. Remember to provide a strong leadership and articulate your and the companys expectations clearly. Encourage and support ideas presented throughout the organization. Demonstrate fairness and commitment to the team members individually and as a whole. Understand the dimensions diversity takes through mentoring and valuing continued personal learning along with challenging your team members to be the best they can be will present a happy and prosperous work environment.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Macbeth Essays (670 words) - Characters In Macbeth,

Macbeth In Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth, the characters and the roles they play are critical to its plot and theme, and therefore many of Shakespeare's characters are well developed and complex. Two of these characters are the protagonist, Macbeth, and his wife, Lady Macbeth. They play interesting roles in the tragedy, and over the course of the play, their relationship changes and their roles are essentially switched. At the beginning of the play, they treat each other as equals. They have great concern for each other, as illustrated when Macbeth races to tell Lady Macbeth the news about the witches and she immediately begins plotting how to gain for her husband his desire to be king. At this point, Lady Macbeth is the resolute, strong woman, while Macbeth is portrayed as her indecisive, cowardly husband. He does have ambition, but at this point, his conscience is stronger than that ambition. Lady Macbeth explains this characteristic of her husband in Act I, Scene v, when she says, "Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o' th' milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way." The next stage of change developing in the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is in Act II. This is the act in which Macbeth kills King Duncan. Macbeth's character change is apparent because it is obvious that he has given in to his ambition and has murdered the king. He is not entirely changed, though, because he is almost delirious after he has committed the crime. He exclaims, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red." He believes that instead of the ocean cleaning his hands, his hands would turn the ocean red. Macbeth's role has changed somewhat but not entirely, since he has committed the crime but his conscience is still apparent after the murder. Lady Macbeth's role similarly changes somewhat in Act II. The reader sees a crack in her strong character when she tells Macbeth in Scene ii of Act II that she would have murdered Duncan herself if he had not resembled her father as he slept. Her boldness is still evident, though, when she calms Macbeth after the murder and believes "a little water clears us of this deed." Unlike the roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, their relationship remains unchanged from Act I to II. Their relationship is still very close as seen through Duncan's murder - a product of teamwork. At the end of Act III, both the roles and the relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have reached the final stage of their change. Now that Duncan is dead and Macbeth is hopelessly headed toward a life of immorality, Lady Macbeth fades into the background. Macbeth takes it upon himself in Act III to plot Banquo's murder without consulting his wife because he wants to protect her from the corruption that he has involved himself with. His role is now completely changed and there is no turning back for him. As Macbeth goes off on his own course during this time, Lady Macbeth's guilt is overwhelming and, cut off from him, she descends into madness. Her guilt emerges in Act III, Scene ii when she says she would rather be dead, and it grows from then on until her death. Lady Macbeth's character change is also evident in Act III, Scene ii when she backs out of Macbeth's mysterious murder plan and tells him, "You must leave this." The relationship between the couple is being torn apart by this time in Macbeth. They are headed in separate directions - Macbeth towards a life of evil and Lady Macbeth towards insanity and grief. As Shakespeare developed the characters of Macbeth and his wife, their changing roles ironically ended up resembling the other one's role. At the beginning of the tragedy, Macbeth was the hesitant character with a strong conscience, while Lady Macbeth was powerful and firm. However, by the time these two characters were completely changed, Macbeth ended up being decisive and greedy, as Lady Macbeth turned out to be weak since her guilty conscience drove her insane. Shakespeare's exchange of roles in Macbeth is clever yet unusual, but after all, "things aren't always what they seem."

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Albert Einstien Essays (1644 words) - Albert Einstein, Free Essays

Albert Einstien Essays (1644 words) - Albert Einstein, Free Essays Albert Einstien Of all the scientists to emerge from the twentieth centuries there is one whose name is known by almost all living people. While most of these do not understand this mans work, everyone knows that its impact on the world of science is astonishing. Yes, many have heard of Albert Einsteins General Theory of Relativity, but few know about the intriguing life that led this scientist to discover what some have called, The greatest single achievement of human thought. Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. Before his first birthday, his family had moved to Munich where Alberts father, Hermann Einstein, and uncle set up a small electro-chemical business. He was fortunate to have an excellent family with which he held a strong relationship. Alberts mother, Pauline Einstein, had an intense passion for music and literature, and it was she that first introduced her son to the violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Also, he was very close with his younger sister, Maja, a nd they could often be found in the lakes that were scattered about the countryside near Munich. As a child, Einsteins sense of curiosity had already begun to stir. A favorite toy if his was his fathers compass and he often marveled at his uncles explanations of algebra. Although young Albert was intrigued by certain mysteries of science, he was considered a slow learner. His failure to become fluent in German until the age of nine even led some teachers to believe he was disabled. Einsteins post-basic education began at the Luitpold Gymnasium when he was ten. It was here that he first encountered the German spirit through the schools strict disciplinary policy. His disapproval of this method of teaching led to his reputation as a rebel. It was probably these differences that caused Einstein to search for knowledge at home. He began not with science, but with religion. He avidly studied the Bible seeking truth, but this religious fervor soon died down when he discovered the intrigue of science and math. To him, these seemed much more realistic than ancient stories. With this new knowledge he disliked class even more, and was eventually expelled from Luitpold Gymnasium, being considered a disruptive influence. Feeling that he could no longer deal with the German mentality, Einstein moved to Switzerland where he continued his education. At sixteen he attempted to enroll at the Federal Institute of Technology, but failed the entrance exam. This forced him to study locally for one year until he finally passed the schools evaluation. The Institute allowed Einstein to meet many other students that shared his curiosity, and it was here that his studies turned mainly to Physics. He quickly learned that while physicists had generally agreed on major principles in the past, there were modern scientists who were attempting to disprove outdated theories. Since most of Einsteins teachers ignored these new ideas, he was again forced to explore on his own. In 1900 he graduat ed from the Institute and then achieved citizenship to Switzerland. Einstein became a clerk at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902. This job had little to do with physics, but he was able to satiate his curiosity by figuring out how new inventions worked. The most important part of Einsteins occupation was that it allowed him enough time to pursue his own line of research. As his ideas began to develop, he published them in specialist journals. Though he was still unknown to the scientific world, he began to attract a large circle of friends and admirers. A group of students that he tutored quickly transformed into a social club that shared a love of nature, music, and of course, science. In 1903, he married Mileva Maric, a mathematician friend. In 1905, Einstein published five separate papers in a journal, the Annals of Physics. The first was immediately acknowledged, and the University of Zurich awarded Einstein an additional degree. The other papers helped to develop modern physics a nd earned him the reputation of an artist. Many scientists have said that Einsteins work contained an imaginative spirit that was seen in most poetry. His work at this time dealt with molecules, and how their motion

Thursday, November 21, 2019

British Telecom Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

British Telecom - Case Study Example In order to understand and evaluate them one needs to analyze the marketing position of British Telecom and assess the strength and weakness of its position in the market as well as opportunities that can be explored by the company and the threats which it should avoid. Marketing. Strength. British Telecom is one of the largest telecommunication companies in the world and it holds large share of the market of telecommunication industry. It possesses enough financial and economic resources to compete in the market, especially against new players in the niche where it operates. The company conducts aggressive and effective advertising campaign in order to stay abreast of the current trends in the market and lure potential customers to use its services. The company has started successful advertising campaign with Kris Marshall (the budget of the campaign is 40million GBP). Apart from traditional television advertising campaign British Telecom has recently shifted its focus on online advertising which will expand the pool of its customers. If one takes into account the fact that British Telecom intends to advertise its broadband services, then the move to concentrate on online advertisement is undoubtedly the step in the right direction as this type of advertisement campaign will target the potential customers of broadband services. Apart from the traditional national market, the company expands rapidly in the overseas markets as well. British Telecom operates in Western European market as well as Scandinavian countries and nations of ex-Communist block. It also provides the services to the customers of Asia and Northern America. Rapid expansion in new developing markets reflects high flexibility of the company. Weakness. In spite of the fact that the company can operate successfully, only if it takes efficient steps to react to the changes in modern technology, it must not forget that it is a telecommunication company. One should try to concentrate on this niche of the market and not to expand rapidly in the market of online industry; if the company expands in other markets and starts providing too many services, unrelated to telecommunication market, it might entail "erosion" of its brand. Customers who now associate British Telecom with telecommunication company will not be able to associate this brand name with any particular industry and rather will have association with multiple services, if the company expands too rapidly in other markets. Overexpansion on other market of other countries may reduce its market share in the United Kingdom and might require additional resources. Large pool of existing and potential clients. Strength. The company has one of the largest pools of potential and existing customers in telecommunication industry. The service of fixed exchange lines has been rising steadfastly since 2002, more robust growth was evident in the wholesale of ADSL end users of the British Telecom (the growth constituted