Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Narrative My Story - 1141 Words

When I was younger, I remember being stuck in a small, dark closet when I would get in trouble, or when my mother simply wanted to avoid me. This was mostly twelve consecutive hours a day. It was dreadful in there. I was never brought water or food. If I did, mum would make me beg for it. The closet had an eerie feeling to it, I never felt safe, and it was very cold. I heard a voice in that closet when I was there. She never got mad at me unless I was bad, I didn’t often do much, just the typical child play. I still hear her, seven years later, whispering, calling my name, telling me to come play because she â€Å"misses me†and needs her friend. In the middle of the night, I’m afraid she’ll jump inside me again when I misbehave. It’s the†¦show more content†¦I have never told anyone about my companion. I asked Carrie why she is in my closet one day, she replied â€Å"I got in trouble. Mum wasn t happy.†, Carrie told me mum made her mad. It made her take the love of her life, my daddy. Mum kept her there for fifteen days, twelve hours, and ten minutes with no food, water, or bedding. When my mother went to get carrie, she says she was dead, nothing but an empty body, without a soul. She told me that mum wasn t very polite to her, simply because mum wanted to get revenge. Carrie says she was called a fault in mum’s life arrangement; a mistake. I spoke to mum about my friend. She said that’s my sister. I told mum I met her in the closet and we play together. Mum asked what Carrie talks about. I didn t give her the direct answer, but instead I asked about my dad. Mum and I talked for hours, for once I wasn t stuck in the closet and no one was afraid. Never will I forget the sensation of awe, horror, and admiration with which I gazed about me when mum finally told me the truth. She says dad was murdered when I was an infant in mum s belly, that’s why Carrie was in the closet. Carrie was the murderer of our Father. She’s evil and I didn’t know. This deeply unsettling truth has caused me to be terrified. My closest friend is now my â€Å"sibling† and biggest enemy. The reason I know of no father figure. Mum is about to place me in the closet. I have purposefully dropped a dish so I mayShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Personal Story1932 Words   |  8 Pagesmorning. I woke up to a chilling phone call. I grabbed my phone and it was from Veronica. I was so confused, so I answered it. â€Å"Hello... â€Å" I said as I heard screaming and crying coming out of her voice. â€Å"Mike, I need you to come to my house, something happen to Jessica.† I snatched my things and ran to my car. It was pouring rain. I put my keys in the ignition as fast as I possibly could, and hit the gas pedal with all the force in my body. 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