Monday, April 13, 2020

Extent did economic, political free essay sample

Although the colonists lives changed significantly in many ways after the American Revolution, the economic, political, and social conversions are viewed to be the most dramatic. The American Revolution was the war between the American colonies and Great Britain from 1775-1783 . Most consider this war not to be a nationalist revolution, In which the all of the revolutionaries was to overturn the existing system, but rather to set up the North American colonies as an Independent nation. There were extensive economic problems and modifications after the AmericanRevolution, since America refused to pay taxes to England. The taxation without representation slogan of the was enough to persuade colonists to action. There was no real class with poverty, but economic pressure added to a feeling of the way things were being run limited the colonists fiscal activity. The Revolution provided the means necessary to give the most support to merchants Interests budding commerce, the free market, and trade. We will write a custom essay sample on Extent did economic, political or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Political change was also a consequence of the Revolution.This war occurred partially because the realistic limitations of the English political field made any policy that would match the colonial wishes unattainable. America is recognized to have come forward from Its Revolution with a more efficient and centralized government. The Revolution berthed many advances, Including the separation of church and state, concepts of individual rights and equalities, the delegation of power through written constitutions, and the notion that the government should be by consent of the people.Some say, after the Revolution, authority and liberty did not flow from the political party of the society but from the configuration of its personal relationships, affecting social development. Different social classes wanted the revolution for diverse reasons. Wealthy patriots were looking to independence to free themselves from British taxation and land limitations, but were planning on remaining in control of the resulting nation. Craftsmen and merchants were looking at independence as a way of dropping the privileges of the elite.The upper class needed the aid of the lower, but were apprehensive of their more radical goals. John Adams, although part of the elite more by education than monetary worth, deemed Pains Common Sense for Its absurd democratically notions it proposed. Even within the American patriots, there were many other factions of the group, usually determined by an individuals social and moral standings. The Federalists (including John Jay and George Washington) were a more conservative faction traditionally seen as engrossed with saving the wealth and power of the more upstanding people of colonial society. On the other hand, men as representing the poorer side of society, and promoting political equality. Where some think the American Revolution was not revolutionary at all, others believe it was warranted as such by establishing a new, satisfying regime. No matter what one thinks of this, there are factual aspects of America that considerably changed after the war, the most important being the economy, political structure, and social life.

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