Sunday, February 23, 2020

Interview Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Interview - Article Example In the budget, the expected needs of each department in the institution are outlined and matched with the existing resources. In addition, budgeting makes the decision-making process expeditious as all capital structure decisions are always made during budgeting. It is paramount to note that the budget instrument is the only recognized tool for communicating financial requirements to the funders of public institutions. Apart from internal organizations that influence the budgeting process, there exist external forces that determine the allotment in each department. In this case, these forces usually influence the budgeting process by making recommendations and distributing circulars that dictate on various items in the budget statement. It should be noted that public institutions are mainly funded from the public coffer and hence the entire budgeting process is often subjected too much oversight and supervision. Apart from the oversight practices, the board of directors managing a given institution seeks to their interests in the budget. Their main interest is to influence and to have control over the fee pooled from the learner. In this case, the independence of the budgeting officers is not guaranteed. When filling vacant positions in the budgeting offices, all interested parties in a given institution often feel comfortable when their choices are picked. In this case, there exist situations where some candidates with good credentials miss these vacancies. For the obvious reason, every interested party seeks to have people they are comfortable with on budgeting table. History always exonerates diligent officials who occupy budgeting offices at any given time. In most case, the end products justify the process used. In this case, when an institution is hard hit by bad economic time, the budgeting office carries all the blame. Going with the history, many budgets fail to

Friday, February 7, 2020

Pandoras Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pandoras Business - Essay Example As the paper outlines, it also offers advertising and premium subscription where companies can put advertisements to target certain people. Customers can also buy subscriptions for a few dollars a month to omit the ads. High cost of operating and other costs such as inconsistency costs means that Pandora does not have full market control. In time, Pandora will not enjoy market advantages since it will have less control of the market due to the evolution of the mobile era. More of the music downloaded is normally done illegally without the knowledge of the artists or the music labels. This has turned into a normal type of crime. Most people download songs for free and see no harm caused to the artists and record labels who normally incur losses for their work. With time, mobile revenues will improve since the world is moving to a more digitalized era. This means that the company should sell it premiums directly rather than relying on 3rd parties who are normally associated with other costs. The copyright law which is the body protecting artist’s work from being copied without their authorization should intensify and rise with good legislation which would see the reduction in piracy. The legislation is good for the music industry since Pandora is able to pay the artists and record companies. Pandora pays hundreds of millions to artists and labels. At least of the royalty rate is fair and reasonable of which both parties do benefit. Pandora can make a profit, and the artists and music labels also generate some income. Record labels are things of the past. Music labels and online stores should be able to pay artist much more fairly. They should not rely on producing CDs since they are things of the past and the world is changing. Hopefully more and more artists will bypass getting record contracts.